关于「 massie」的内容列表

US Congressman Thomas Massie, inspired by Bitcoin, will introduce a bill to terminate the Federal Reserve

According to Bitcoin Magazine, US Congressman Thomas Massie said that after reading The Bitcoin Standard, he decided to introduce a bill to end the Federal Reserve.

2024-06-14 01:57:53
美国国会议员Thomas Massie受比特币启发将提出一项终止美联储的法案

\据 Bitcoin Magazine 披露,美国国会议员 Thomas Massie 表示,在阅读了《The Bitcoin Standard》书籍之后,他决定提出一项终止美联储的法案。

2024-06-14 01:57:53
Congressman Thomas Massie introduced a bill to abolish the Federal Reserve

US Congressman Thomas Massie introduced a bill to abolish the Federal Reserve.

2024-05-17 06:55:38
美国国会议员Thomas Massie提出废除美联储的法案

美国国会议员Thomas Massie提出废除美联储的法案。

2024-05-17 06:55:38